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What Yoga Experts Do Before Bed and Why You Should Too

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Hey there, Yogis!

A restless mind and a tense body make falling asleep a challenge. Yoga offers a natural way to quiet racing thoughts, release stress, and signal your body that it’s time to rest.

These simple yet powerful techniques help you transition from the day’s busyness to a state of deep relaxation and better sleep!

Yoga Deep Dive 
How Yoga Prepares Your Body for Sleep

Deep, restorative sleep starts long before you get into bed. Your body needs time to shift from an active state to a restful one, and yoga provides the perfect bridge between the two.

By integrating mindful movement and controlled breathing, yoga helps regulate your nervous system, allowing you to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.

1. The Science Behind Yoga and Sleep:

Activates the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS):

Your autonomic nervous system has two modes: fight-or-flight (sympathetic) and rest-and-digest (parasympathetic). Gentle yoga poses and deep breathing stimulate the PNS, signaling to your body that it's time to slow down, lower cortisol (stress hormone) levels, and prepare for sleep.

Balances Melatonin Production:

Melatonin, the sleep-regulating hormone, is naturally released in the evening. However, stress, screen time, and poor sleep habits can interfere with its production. A relaxing yoga routine before bed supports natural melatonin release, making it easier to fall into deep sleep.

Reduces Muscle Tension and Physical Restlessness:

Sitting for long hours, exercise, or daily stress can cause muscle tightness, leading to discomfort at night. Yoga stretches the hip flexors, spine, and shoulders common areas where tension accumulates, helping you feel physically at ease.

Promotes Mindfulness and Mental Quiet:

Racing thoughts, stress, and anxiety are major sleep disruptors. Mindful yoga practices teach you how to slow your thoughts, focus on the present, and let go of the mental clutter that keeps you awake.

2. How to Maximize the Sleep Benefits of Yoga:

  • Keep your movements slow and gentle. Avoid intense poses close to bedtime; opt for restorative, yin, or deep-stretch yoga instead.

  • Breathe deeply and intentionally. Techniques like 4-7-8 breathing or alternate nostril breathing (Nadi Shodhana) are scientifically proven to slow the heart rate and calm the mind.

  • Create a routine. Practicing yoga at the same time each night signals to your body that it’s time to unwind, making sleep easier and more consistent over time.

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Practice of The Day 
Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose (Viparita Karani)

This restorative pose calms the nervous system, relieves tired legs, and encourages full-body relaxation.

Benefits for Sleep:

  • Encourages circulation and lymphatic drainage,

  • Activates the parasympathetic nervous system

  • Eases lower back tension and promotes deep relaxation

How to Do It:

  1. Find a wall and sit sideways with your hip close to the base.

  2. Gently swing your legs up as you lower your back onto the floor.

  3. Rest your arms by your sides, palms facing up, and close your eyes.

  4. Breathe deeply and stay here for 5-10 minutes, allowing your body to release tension.

Yoga in Everyday Life
Reclined Butterfly Pose

This gentle pose releases built-up tightness and creates a sense of ease before sleep.

The benefits:

  • Encourages deep breathing,

  • Releases the tension stored from the day

  • Promotes a sense of openness and ease,

How to Do It:

  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet touching, letting your knees fall open like butterfly wings.

  2. Rest your hands on your belly or by your sides, palms facing up.

  3. Close your eyes and take slow, deep breaths for 5 minutes, allowing the hips and inner thighs to soften.

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A well-rested body leads to a more energized, balanced day ahead. These simple yoga practices help you unwind, relax, and create the perfect conditions for deep, restful sleep.

Try them tonight and see how your body responds! Your best sleep could be just a few breaths away.🌟 Follow us on Instagram @Yoga Daily Practice for inspiration, and tag us to share your journey with friends!

Until next time, namaste
The Yoga Daily Team


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